week 13: reflections

Screenshot of google doc says, "Journaling Activity (15 minutes): 
A reflection/ rite of passage
This may sound more daunting than it actually is. Reflections are important because they offer insight into the building of your critical consciousness. Questions to consider include: 
Who and what brought me to this space?
What have I learned? 
What will I hold?
What must I share? 
How do I define APIA futures? 

Before you lead a station, we ask that you compose a reflection. This reflection is mostly for you to see how far you’ve come on this journey."


Journaling Activity (15 minutes): A reflection/rite of passage

This may sound more daunting than it actually is. Reflections are important because they offer insight into the building of your critical consciousness. Questions to consider include:

  • Who and what brought me to this space?
  • What have I learned?
  • What will I hold?
  • What must I share?
  • How do I define APIA futures?

*Before you lead a station, we ask that you compose a reflection. This reflection is mostly for you to see how far you’ve come on this journey.

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