week 10: pedagogies for social justice

A screenshot of the prompt for week 10 says, "Prepare: One reading or resource of your choosing in a format that is easily digestible and one that you enjoy working with or using. You will share your reading, reflections, and connections with the class. Be prepared to ask and answer questions! Thanks Pearl for the inspiration. Example formats: Slide show, Padlet, Jamboard, poem, collage, Spotify playlist, mini video essay, 5 to 7 minute podcast, simple, easy to read outline on a a google document, drawing, zine, etcetera. Get creative and have fun!

Guiding Questions

  • What is the significance of having a student-led course?
  • How do we learn and teach for social justice?
  • how are we addressing the question of “the end of the world as we know it?”
  • how are we developing within our communities new survival skills needed for this transition period?
  • what alternatives are we putting forward to replace the disintegrating institutions of the current world system?

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