week 11 recap: field trip to AAI + other fun times

Eating some delicious hand drawn Nanzhou noodles in Philly’s Chinatown!

Something our class worked towards was incorporating “kiki time” (reserved for fun community building). This allowed us to strengthen our connections with our peers/friends, nourishing our minds and souls even further. During this kiki time, we traveled into Philadelphia to go to the Asian Arts Initiative, a multidisciplinary arts center in Philly’s Chinatown North that offers exhibitions, performances, youth workshops, and a community gathering space. Along the way, we stumbled across a cool independent bookstore with tons of zines, some art galleries, one of the AAI’s Youth Arts Projects, and a neat railway-turned-park! When we finally arrived at the AAI, we got to explore their Eco/Systems exhibition, spending most of the time reading some of their zines on display (from moonroot). We ended the day sharing good laughs, good food, and good company at Nan Zhou Hand Drawn Noodle House.

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